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Data protection agreement (hereinafter referred to as contract) concerning the processing of personal data in the order (order processing according to Art. 28 GDPR)

This page contains the English version of our data protection agreement. Please note that the English version is a translation and reading help of the German version. In case of doubt or discrepancies between the versions, the German version is binding.

between the Client

- hereinafter "Client" or “Controller”


Maxxeed GmbH, Prinzregentenstraße 54, 80538 München

-hereinafter "Contractor" or  “Processor”


1. Subject and term of the Agreement

The following services are commissioned: 

  • Operational processing of personal data within the context of service provision according to the service description of the main contract

Processor will process personal data for Controller within the meaning of Art. 4 (2) and Art. 28 GDPR on the basis of this Agreement. 

If possible, the contracted service will be provided in a member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area. Any transfer  of the service or parts thereof to a third country may only take place if the special requirements of Art. 44 et seq. GDPR are fulfilled. 

Term of the commission:

  • The contract period is based on the main contract.

2. Purpose, extent and nature of the processing, type of personal data and categories of data

The commissioned processing of personal data may only take place for a specific purpose.

The purpose, scope and nature of the data are as follows (as defined in Art. 4 No. 2 GDPR): 

The purpose is to provide services in accordance with the service description of the main contract

Categories of data (as defined in Art. 4 (1) GDPR):

  • Employee and staff data of the Client who use the software collaboratively with the Client and whose data is recorded and managed in the software.

  • Prospective customer / customer data and service provider and supplier data of the client, which are managed by the client in the software. 

Type of personal data (as defined in Art. 4 (1), (13), (14) and (15) GDPR):

  • Personal master data: Salutation, Last Name, First Name, Address, Title.

  • Communication data: Telephone, e-mail.

  • Profile data: Education, professional development, professional qualifications, project experience, academic titles and qualifications, company affiliations.

  • Contract master data: Contract relationship, product or contract interest.

  • Contract billing data: Contract billing and payment data.
  • Customer history: login, product usage, products purchased, time data.

  • Technical data: IP address, device, browser, location, Mac address, product version.

Special categories of personal data (as defined by Articles 9 and 10 of the GDPR):

3. Rights and obligations as well as instructions of Controller

Controller alone is responsible for assessing the admissibility of processing in accordance with Art. 6 (1) GDPR as well as for protecting the rights of data subjects in accordance with Art. 12 to 22 GDPR. Nevertheless, Processor must forward all such inquiries, provided that they are identifiably directed exclusively to Controller, immediately to Controller. 

Changes to the processed data and procedural changes must be agreed jointly between Controller and Processor and must be set down in writing or in a documented electronic format. 

Generally, Controller will issue all processing requests, partial requests and instructions in writing or in a documented electronic format. Verbal instructions must be confirmed immediately in writing or in a documented electronic format. 

Controller has the right, as stated in number 5 above, prior to the start of the processing and thereafter on a regular basis, to verify the compliance of the technical and organizational measures taken by Processor as well as Processor’s compliance with the obligations specified in this Agreement. 

Controller must inform Processor immediately if it detects any errors or irregularities in verifying the results of the processing. 

Controller must handle with confidentiality all knowledge of Processor’s business secrets and data security measures obtained as part of the contractual relationship. This obligation remains valid even after termination of this Agreement.

4. Controller employees authorized to give instructions and Processor employees authorized to receive instructions

The following Controller employees are authorized to give instructions:

  • The persons authorized to issue instructions are the managing directors, authorized signatories or partners of the client.

Contractor’s agents authorized to receive instructions:

  • The recipients of instructions are the managing directors, authorized signatories or partners of the Contractor.

Communication channels to be used for giving instructions: 

  • By email to the address specified in the main contract, e.g. in the SLA, or via the contact options on the platform. 

In the event of a change in or long-term unavailability of a point of contact, the parties must notify each other immediately and in writing or electronically of the replacement or alternate point of contact. Instructions are to be kept on file for the remainder of their validity and thereafter for three full calendar years. 

5. Obligations of Processor

Processor must process personal data only in accordance with prior arrangements and the instructions of Controller, unless required to otherwise process the data by European Union or Member State law to which Processor is subject (such as investigations by law enforcement or national security agencies); in such a case, Processor must inform the Controller of these legal requirements prior to processing the data, unless the relevant law prohibits such information on important grounds of public interest (Article 28 (3) sentence 2 (a) GDPR).

Processor may not use the personal data provided for processing for any other purpose, particularly for its own purposes. Copies or duplicates of the personal data must not be created without Controller’s knowledge. 

Processor guarantees performance of all the agreed measures for commissioned processing of personal data. 

Processor must cooperate to the extent necessary and adequately assist Controller as much as possible in fulfilling the rights of the data subjects per Art. 12 to 22 GDPR, preparing directories of processing activities and conducting the required data protection impact assessments (Article 28 (3) sentence 2 (e) and (f) GDPR). Processor must forward all information required for these purposes immediately to the following parties at the Controller: 

  • The authorized instruction giver named in section 4

Processor must notify Controller immediately if, in its opinion, an instruction given by Controller violates legal provisions (Article 28 (3) sentence 3 GDPR). Processor has the right to suspend the execution of the relevant instruction until it has been confirmed or changed by Controller after verification. 

Processor must correct, delete or limit the processing of personal data under the contractual relationship if Controller instructs Processor to do so and doing so does not go against the legitimate interests of Processor. 

Processor may only share information about personal data under the contractual relationship with third parties or the data subject after prior instruction or approval by Controller. 

Processor hereby agrees that Controller is entitled, generally by appointment, to check compliance with the provisions on data protection and data security as well as the contractual agreements, or to hire a third party to do so, to the appropriate and necessary extent, including but not limited to by obtaining information and access to the stored data and data processing programs as well as through on-site audits and inspections (Art. 28 (3) sentence 2 (h) GDPR). 

Processor assures that it will support such checks to the extent necessary.
The processing of data in private homes (teleworking/home office) or in mobile work by employees of the processor is permitted. To the extent that data is processed in a private home, access to the employee’s home for control purposes by the employer must first be contractually secured. The measures under Art. 32 GDPR are to be ensured in this case as well. 

Processor confirms that it is aware of the data protection rules of the GDPR relevant to commissioned data processing. 

Processor agrees to maintain confidentiality in the commissioned processing of Controller’s personal data. This obligation continues after the end of the Agreement. 

Processor guarantees that it will familiarize employees involved in the execution of the work with the data protection rules relevant to their job before commencing the activity and require them to maintain confidentiality during as well as after termination of their employment (Art. 28 (3) sentence 2 (b) and Art. 29 GDPR). Processor will supervise compliance with the data protection regulations within its operation. 

The following person is the designated data protection officer for Processor: 

  • Dr. Sebastian Kraska, IITR Datenschutz GmbH, Marienplatz 2, 80331 München.,, Telefon: +4989-18917360

Any changes in the identity of the data protection officer are to be communicated to Controller immediately. 

When contacting the data protection officer, please state the company to which your inquiry relates. Please refrain from enclosing sensitive information such as a copy of an ID card with your request.

6. Notification obligations of Processor in case of processing disruptions and personal data breaches

Processor must inform Controller immediately of any disruptions, violations by Processor or persons employed by Processor of data protection provisions or provisions established in processing requests, and any suspected data breaches or irregularities in the processing of personal data. This applies especially to any reporting or notification obligations of Controller under Art. 33 and Art. 34 GDPR. Processor agrees to adequately support Controller in performing its duties under Art. 33 and 34 GDPR if necessary (Art. 28 (3) sentence 2 (f) GDPR). Notifications pursuant to Art. 33 or 34 GDPR on behalf of Controller may be issued by Processor only after prior instruction in accordance with section 4 of this Agreement.

7. Relationships with subcontractors for core services (Article 28 (3) sentence 2 (d) GDPR)

Processor may engage future subcontractors for processing controller data without separate approval from Controller (Art. 28 (2) sentence 2 GDPR). Processor must ensure that the subcontractor is carefully selected with due regard for the suitability of the technical and organizational measures taken by the subcontractor in accordance with Art. 32 GDPR. The relevant audit documentation is to be made available to Controller on request. In this case, Processor must always inform Controller of any intended changes concerning the addition or replacement of other processors.

When engaging subcontractors, the Contractor shall commit them in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and shall ensure that the Client can also exercise its rights under this Agreement (in particular its inspection and monitoring rights) directly against the subcontractors.

Processor must contractually ensure that the rules agreed between Controller and Processor also apply to subcontractors. In particular, Controller must be entitled, if necessary, to carry out, or hire third parties to carry out, appropriate audits and inspections, including on-site, of subcontractors.

The subcontractor agreement must be in writing, including in electronic form (Article 28 (4) and (9) DS-GVO). 

Data may be forwarded to the subcontractor only if the subcontractor has fulfilled the obligations under Art. 29 and Art. 32 (4) GDPR with regard to its employees. 

The Processor shall regularly verify compliance with the obligations of the subcontractor(s).

The result of these checks must be documented and made available to Controller upon request. 

Processor is liable to Controller for the subcontractor’s compliance with the data protection obligations contractually imposed by Processor in accordance with this section. 


  • the subcontractors listed in Annex 1 are engaged by Processor for the processing of personal data to the extent specified therein. Controller agrees to the engagement of the subcontractors listed in Annex 1. 

Processor must always inform Controller of any intended changes concerning the addition or replacement of subcontractors. Controller will be given the opportunity to object to such changes, provided that the technical and organizational measures agreed to date and promised by Processor cannot be fully guaranteed (Article 28 (2) sentence 2 GDPR). In this case, the intended change is not allowed. 

8. Technical and organizational measures according to Art. 32 GDPR (Article 28 (3) sentence 2 (c) GDPR) 

A level of security appropriate to the risk for the rights and freedoms of natural persons whose data is subject to processing must be guaranteed. For this purpose, the protection objectives of Art. 32 (1) GDPR, such as the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the systems and services and their resilience in terms of the nature, extent, circumstances and purpose of the processing, must be taken into account in such a way that appropriate technical and organizational remedial measures are taken to permanently reduce the risk. An appropriate and comprehensible methodology that takes into account the likelihood and severity of the risks to the rights and freedoms of the data subjects must be used to assess the risk of the commissioned processing of personal data.

The data protection policy described in Annex 2 details the minimum requirements of the technical and organizational measures appropriate to the identified risk, taking into account the protection objectives based on current technology and with special consideration of the IT systems and processes used by Processor. It also describes the procedure for periodically auditing, measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of the technical and organizational measures to ensure compliance with data protection standards. 

The following options for demonstrating compliance exist:

  • Processor shall audit, measure and evaluate the effectiveness of its technical and organizational measures to ensure the safety of the processing as needed but at least annually (Article 32 (1) (d) GDPR). If the measures taken by Processor do not meet the requirements of Controller, Processor must inform Controller immediately. The measures taken by Processor may be adapted to technical and organizational developments over the course of the contractual relationship but must not fall below the agreed standards.

9. Obligations of Processor after the end of commissioned processing (Art. 28 (3) sentence 2 (g) GDPR)

Upon completion of the contractual services, the Processor shall return or delete all data and documents that have come into its possession. 

10. Miscellaneous 

Any special arrangements regarding technical and organizational measures as well as control and audit documentation (including with regard to subcontractors) must be kept on file by both contracting parties for the remainder of their validity and thereafter for three full calendar years.

Collateral agreements must generally be set down in writing or a documented electronic format. The court of jurisdiction is the local competent court of Contractor.

Should the ownership or the personal data of Controller to be processed by Processor become endangered as a result of third-party measures (such as seizure or attachment), bankruptcy or settlement proceedings or other events, Processor must notify Controller immediately. 

Processor may not invoke the right of retention within the meaning of section 273 of the German Civil Code (BGB) with regard to data processed for Controller or the associated data carriers. 

Should individual parts of this Agreement be ineffective, this does not affect the validity of the rest of the Agreement. 

Status: May 2022


Annex 1 – Subcontractors

Currently, the following subcontractor relationships exist in connection with the commissioned processing:


  • Cloud-IAM
    Cloud-IAM Société par Actions Simplifiée
    37 Boulevard Solférino
    Immeuble Eurosquare
    35000, Rennes
    User administration and login, as well as sending e-mails in this context.
  • Google
    Google LLC
    Unter den Linden 14
    10117 Berlin
    Operation and management of the platform, storage and management of personal data related to interested parties and the contractual relationship. Sending emails.
  • Microsoft
    Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
    Walter-Gropius-Straße 5
    80807 München
    Cognitive Services. Artificial Intelligence.
  • Product Fruits
    Product Fruits s.r.o.
    Rozdelovska 1999/7
    169 00 Praha 6
    Czech Republic
    Guided Tours inside the platform and assistance to users.
  • SendGrid
    Twilio Ireland Limited 
    3 Dublin Landings, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, 
    Dublin, Ireland D01 C4E0 
    Sending emails about activities in the platform to the users or customers.
  • TalkJS
    Bogert 1
    5612 LX Eindhoven
    Sending communication, messages and messages about activities in the platform to the users or customers.
  • Hubspot
    HubSpot Germany GmbH
    Am Postbahnhof 17
    10243 Berlin
    Storage and management of personal data related to interested parties and the contractual relationship. Sending emails.
  • Config Cat
    ConfigCat Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
    Tátra utca 5/A 1. em. 2. Ajtó
    1136 Budapest
    Cross-platfrom Feature Flag service. Manage, enable and disable features on the platform. 
  • PostHog
    PostHog Inc.
    2261 Market Street #4008
    San Francisco, CA 94114, 
    Platform and product optimization and analysis. Analyze, test, monitor and deploy new features. 
  • Mapbox
    Mapbox Inc.
    740 15th St NW, 5th Floor
    Washington, D.C. 20005
    Display geo-location. Show where companies are located in a content paragraph.
  • Stripe 
    Stripe Payments Europe, Limited
    1 Grand Canal Street Lower
    Grand Canal Dock
    Dublin, D02 H210 Irland
    Billing of subscription fees.
  • AppSignal
    AppSignal B.V.
    P.O. Box 10212
    1001EE Amsterdam
    The Netherlands
    Operational monitoring of the platform and error tracking.

Annex 2 – Technical and organizational measures/data protection policy

Processor guarantees that it complies with the minimum requirements described below as part of its data protection policy. The policy describes the measures that Processor must take with regard to commissioned processing to ensure the safe the handling of personal data. This data protection policy is based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other measures that may be requested by the interested parties. Processor is primarily guided by the requirements of Articles 24, 25 and 32 GDPR.
Processor must verify compliance upon request.

1. Confidentiality
1.1 Entry control
The rooms in which personal data are processed or data processing systems are
installed may not be freely accessible. They must be locked when employees are away. Entry authorizations must be assigned in a regulated procedure on a need-to-know basis and are generally monitored in terms of whether they are necessary. Rooms in which data processing systems (datacenter, server, network distributor, etc.) are located must have particular entry protections and may be accessible only to employees in IT administration (management, if necessary). Alternately, the devices must be stored in suitable and locked cabinets. Visitors and non-company individuals must be registered in a documented procedure and monitored while visiting the offices.

1.2. Access control
For every network user, a personally assigned user must be set up with a minimum 10-digit password featuring both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. The system must require users to change passwords at least every 90 days. Network users are to be required to comply with the user access policy in a manner subject to documentation. Creating, changing, and removing access authorizations must occur in a documented procedure. The establishment, modification and withdrawal of system access authorization must follow a documented procedure. Established system access authorizations must be regularly reviewed for their necessity and the review documented. Network access must be monitored and logged, including unsuccessful login attempts. Network access must be automatically blocked by the system after 10 failed attempts.

1.3 Usage control
A documented, role-based authorization concept must be provided for use of personal data which limits the use so that only authorized individuals can use the personal data necessary for their task (De Minimis Principal). The password rules for access control must also be followed for usage control. Administrative activities must be limited to a small group of administrators. Administrator activities must be monitored and logged to the extent that the effort involved is technically supportable.

1.4 Pseudonymization
Evaluations must be pseudonymized in so far as the connection to the individual is not absolutely necessary for the result.

1.5 Separation control
Separation of personal data must be ensured through different storage locations or client separation.

2. Integrity
2.1 Transfer control
Transfer control requires that only authorized individuals can inspect the personal data. For transmission by email, appropriate protective measures (e.g., encryption of communication between the email servers) are required. Mobile devices or mobile storage media must be encrypted if personal data are stored on them.

2.2 Input control
It must be possible to assign the input, change, and deletion of personal data to the acting employee. The system must limit the change and deletion of datasets in order to effectively prevent accidental change or deletion.

2.3 Commissioned processing control
As part of commissioned processing control, commissioned data processing operations can only be carried out on the instructions of Controller. For this purpose, employees tasked with data processing must be trained and instructed on how to perform this task. Commissioned processing must be monitored through internal controls. The results of the controls must be documented.
Subcontractors may only be hired on the basis of the rules agreed upon with Controller. Transmission or access to personal data may not take place until the subcontractor has signed a commissioned processing agreement in accordance with Article 28 GDPR and has confirmed compliance with the data protection policy. Processor’s obligation to audit its subcontractors results from the commissioned processing agreement established with Controller.

3. Availability and reliability
Personal data must be processed on data processing systems that are subject to regular and documented patch management. No systems may be linked on the network that are outside of the manufacturer’s maintenance cycles (especially not any Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, etc.). Security-related patches must be installed in a timely manner after being announced. Continuous availability of personal data must be guaranteed by means of redundant storage media and backups according to the latest technical standards. The Contractor uses a cloud service provider for the storage and management of personal data and for the provision of servers and does not operate its own servers on its own premises.

4. Procedures for periodic auditing, measurement and evaluation
A procedure must be implemented for reviewing data protection in the company. It must include the obligation of employees to maintain data secrecy, training and education of employees, and regular auditing of data processing procedures. A complete reporting and management process must be introduced for data breaches and the protection of data subjects’ rights. It must also include notification of the Controller.